How to Become a Digital Marketing Expert

What is Digital Marketing? Marketing is the activity of a company to promote its products and services. It involves advertising, selling, and delivering products to retailers and consumers. And digital marketing is the type of marketing that is done using digital mediums such as websites and social media. Although traditional marketing still has a major … Read more

What is Social Media Marketing?

If you have a billion-dollar idea, you now don’t need to go door to door to market your brilliant product or service. You can literally swoop in at any time at any place through any social media website with a few taps on the screen! Social media allows you to market, promote and present your … Read more

What is affiliate marketing and how it works?

affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning commission through marketing for someone else’s product. The person who earns through this process is called an affiliate. But there are some agencies too that work as an affiliate. Sometimes they are also referred to as the publisher.  It is considered one of the best marketing strategies of … Read more